SCN has, since 2007, held academic courses as well as hosted a number of summer school excursions and classes for a variety of international academic institutions. 


Human Ecology and Culture at Lake Mývatn 1700-2000: Dimensions of Environmental and Cultural Change.


Among potential future projects, two are of primary importance:
Workshop for literary scholars, writers, poets and artists in the memory of Stephan G. Stephansson (1853 – 1927) and Bill Holm (1943 – 2009). The workshop will be developed to exchange ideas, insights and inspirations related to the two poets and their output. Stephan G. Stephansson lived near Svartárkot for three years (1870 – 1873) prior to emigrating to North America. He later lived in the United States (1873 – 1889) and Canada (1889 – 1927). Bill Holm was a prolific American poet and essayist of Icelandic descent. Both writers combined critical thinking, poetry and nature and shared a passion for arts and music.

Bill Holm
Stephan G. Stephansson
Jón Guðmundsson the Learned
SCN may also establish courses in other parts of Iceland, and there are plans to organize a course on the 17th century autodidact farmer, fisherman, poet, scholar, historian, artist, healer, investigative journalist, magician and rebel Jón Guðmundsson the Learned (1574-1658). That course would take place in Árneshreppur in Strandir, a spectacular district that in earlier times was renowned for sorcery.